Barkat, The Level After Abundance

The Currency of the Angels. Exponential, non linear Abundance…

I have been letting my life be easy. 

And by that, I mean easier and easier every day, week, month, year…lifetime..

A continuous choosing into ease, peace, and alignment…

Easy peasy….

This doesn’t mean, I do only easy things…

Quite the opposite, actually..

✨I choose to do the “hard” things, the easier way…✨

Choosing the high hanging fruit while everyone is busy grabbing the low hanging fruit. 

(Turns out there is more fruit at the top, since most people want the go for the low hanging stuff…😉 )

Letting it be easy, means a lifetime of aligning into Barkat…

Barkat… is an Islamic concept, very common in Pakistani traditions and way of life…

Growing up, this was the closest thing to the “law of attraction” I was taught. 

It completely shaped my personality and way of thinking and being in this world. 

Later, when I tried to explain this way of life to my non-Pakistani friends, I quickly learned that there weren’t any English words that would do Barkat justice…

It wasn't information, it was an ACTIVATION.

I have been working with the energy of Barkat for 42 years of my life...and for many lifetimes beyond this one...

I have been summoned to activate this concept of Barkat for you…

In fact, this is the work I was incarnated here to teach…

Introducing, BARKAT...

A Six Week Course on Activating Realm of Riches...

Barkat… is the level after abundance…..

And paradoxically, it’s also the level before…

It’s a way of life that needs to be activated, honored, and mastered. 

✨Barkat is the currency of the Angels.✨

Literal Angel Money...

It’s the ultimate stretching of faith…

It’s also the metaphysical name for money…

Money dematerialized is Barkat...

Barkat Materialized in infinite levels of blessings....

in fact, Barkat is the multiplication of blessings…

Exponential, non linear Abundance…

Barkat means the heavens are raining on you…

The portal of abundance is always open and near…

Barkat means you never worry about the how…

And you let God do your heavy lifting…

Barkat is the ultimate, letting it be EASY.


  • What is Barkat and How to activate it.

  • Barkat in Love, Romance, Business, and Life.

  • How we unknowing leak Barkat in our lives.

  • Why we feel discontent even after Manifesting what we wanted

  • Why no amount of Money feels like enough without Barkat

  • The highest level Manifestation Principals

  • How to Compound existing Blessings to transition into even more Abundance

  • How to use every ounce of your Existence to Create Exponential Abundance.


  • This is a 6 Lesson Course taught live starting on 12/22/22 and then turned into a self study recorded course.

  • Added on 7/25/24: Barkat in Budapest Intensive Recordings!

  • You will have lifetime access to all recordings and any future additions.

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I am ready for the Level After Abundance and to Activate the Currency of the Angels.

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