Brand New Coaching Intensive being added to this powerful course for 2025!

Join us on March 12 at 10am central time on the lastest breakthroughs and embodied coaching techniques.

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Ready to Become a Highly Sought After, Conscious & Cashed Up, Couture Coach?

The Couture Coaching Course for Conscious & Spiritual Women!

Been doing your inner work like the world was on fire?

Yes, me too! LOL 

Girl you know I love me some inner work too...

Inner work has changed your life and now you desire to help others do the same!

I totally get it.

Women like you and I want to end suffering.  We want to help people.  We want to leave the world a better place than we found it.

And of course we want to create massive abundance will doing it.

Inner work creates a massive desire to help others. This is why they say that when you solve one problem, you create another one....

When one woman heals, she heals seven generations forward and seven generations back.  We also heal our communities and everyone else who lays eyes on us through our overflow!

I did my inner work and it changed my soul!  Which led to amazing manifestations in my physical life...

 Which led to a deep desire to help others do the same.

I hate seeing people suffering, and I know you do to.

Especially when we know the keys to their inner turmoil...

The Conscious Couture Coach was created exactly for women like you and me....

We have to help people but we are also afraid of being seen....

We want soul mate clients but we often second guess our sacred healing work and it's potent impact...

We get big and then we self-sabotage.....

Behind all of this, that deep desire to create something big on this planet is burning like a deep fire in our soul...

You having been doing you inner work and now it's ready to share the gold with others...

The bigger and deeper we go, the more light we give the planet....

Are you ready to Become a Highly Sought After Conscious Couture Coach but not sure where to begin?

or Perhaps you already have a Coaching Practice but want to Increase your Coaching Skills and Learn to Hold Space from Ovarian Power and Overflow?

The world needs your sacred healing work and healing energy.....That is for sure...

Did you know that many Women Sabotage their Coaching Practice or Purposely Repel Clients because they don't Believe in their Own Coaching Skills! 

They sit around thinking the market is satiated or coaching is dead, but the truth is that is they are secret afraid of holding space for their soul led clients.

They hide and show up with watered down marketing wanting clients but afraid of having them at the same time!

Remember that Holding the High Priestess Crown in Any Niche Means doing your own Inner Work Relentlessly. 

If you are Tired of "Winging It" and Serious about Creating Collective Consciousness through Your Coaching Practice...

Sweet Goddess of Fire & Flow,


They can't hear you when you censor your message.


When you water it down so no one is offended.


When you try to be politically correct, the people who need to hear from you can't feel your heart.


When you numb part of your message, the entire message gets diluted.


Just like when the dentist numbs your mouth, you can't feel the pain but you also can't taste your favorite dessert.


You must show up completely and entirely. 


All of you.  The real, raw, sweet, full package of undone, imperfect divine perfection.


Decide to show up.


Show up and communicate powerfully and effectively in your life, love, and business.


Communication isn't just about what comes out of your mouth.


It's not even about words.


Everything comes down to your energy and your the container of your energy.


If you felt like a burden to your parents, you see yourself and everything entering your field as a burden.


It becomes so hard to do anything.


Be anything.


Get anything.


Fix the container of your energy, and your message will flow from you like fire and water!


And they will hear you loud and clear!



The Conscious Couture Coach course combines evolution, psychology, and consciousness in one powerfully, potent punch. 

People who will benefit from the course:🔮 

Anyone who wants to be a better communicator.

The communication skills you will learn in this course will transform the way you share and receive information.  

Aspiring and existing coaches, healers, teachers… 

Mothers, fathers, caregivers  

Women in relationships or those that want conscious relationships  

People who want to communicate better  

Anyone in sales and/or Marketing  Public speakers.  

Online content creators  

Leaders in organizations  

I honestly can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t benefit from learning how to communicate in a way that creates deep emotional intimacy.  This is my first ever deep dive into the marriage between human consciousness and evolutionary communication course ever.  


What makes Coaching a Truly Transformative Catalyst for up-leveling the Collective Consciousness on the Planet

Why communication is deeply misunderstood and how to finally get it! 

What your clients (and everyone else) actually need from you

How to Hold Deep Sacred Space for Your Soul Mate Clients

Mina Irfan's Exclusive Couture Container Coaching Framework 

How to Create a Truly Expansive, High End, Whole Person Coaching Experience for Your Private or Group Coaching Clients

BONUS: The Secret Formula of Self-Esteem

BONUS: Natural Consequences in Relationships

  4 hours of Owning your Inner Authentic Fire and Flow Activations added in 2022.

New for 2023: The Morphogenetic Leader Masterclass happening on July 26, 2023.


BONUS: Immediate Access to 5.5 HOURS OF HIGH PRIESTESS TRANSMISSIONS on Expanding your Energetic Containers.

BONUS: Preparing for Prosperity Playshop NOW available!

Immediate Access to 4 Hours of Conscious Communication Skills that you can use in any relationship as well as your Coaching Practice!

(if you already have Femm Fortune - there is a $1,111 off code available off this course in the FF dashboard!)

Coaching Framework and Inner work prompts on how to become a Conscious, Cashed up Couture Coach.

4 Hours of BRAND new content on of Communication Skills, Couture Coaching, and Business Advice added in 2022.

New for 2023: The Morphogenetic Leader Masterclass coming July 26, 2023

Please note:

This is a Coaching Intensive that teaches you how to create your own coaching practice and hold space for clients. You or your business will not be affiliated with or representing TheUniverseGuru LLC or Mina Irfan in any way as a result of taking this course. 

Includes Immediate access to all Digital Content!

Extended payment plans available at checkout for USA residents through Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay.

Femm Fortune Alums

"My name is Katrina and I want to share my experience with  Mina's inner work programs. I found Mina's channel about 3 1/2 months ago. When I came across her Live Your Best Life video I was hook. I don't know what happened but it resonated with me so much. It was like the moment you knew your life will never be the same! It took me a whole day to get through the video because i kept rewinding ever thing she said. WHAT! I started searching through all her other video and I was shocked! She was the person I had been searching for. I signed up for her feminine energy mega bundle and binged watched it for days. I had already started doing inner work but this made it all make sense. I was Self-Aware Barbie 1000! After just a few week of this inner work, I walked past the mirror and I saw a women that was beautiful! I didn't understand it. 

I looked beautiful to myself. My face my body everything felt so yummy. People started  complimenting me. People I didn't even know started telling me I was beautiful. When I was with my husband people ask me if I'm his daughter.  One guy  asked was I his girlfriend or his wife. This is just a few weeks before my 50th birthday!!!! ....So what did I do?... I started over eating and not sleeping or doing the things I know to do. I wanted to see if it would go away!! That sounds silly but its true. I'm the queen of self sabotage. Then here comes Mina with the Femm Fortune Container  Code video which explains when you grow without expanding your container first, you will self sabotage and that its normal to start aging in reverse with inner work. I was so excited and couldn't wait for the class. I'm even more excited after the class. ( this is me exhaling). If you have any doubts about taking Mina course, Don't!  All your hard work is being sabotaged by your inner programming. Mina is the only person teaching  Feminine embodiment and exposing your faulty thinking.. She has set me free. No more being addicted to suffering for me. 

Please, do yourself a favor and take try the course. Its worth every penny and will change your life."



  • Q. Will this course certify me as a Life Coach.

    A. This is not a life coaching certification. This course will teach and activate you to start your own coaching practice and how to coach your clients. Certification is NOT required in the USA (please check your own country and state requirements) to become a life coach. Most successful coaches I know are not certified officially as life coaches, but they DO know how to get results for themselves and their clients. So here is the deal, you get paid to exist when your existence gets other people results in their life. Learn how to do this, and you can skip all the other nonsense steps. This course is great for all levels. The NEW class happening on July 26 will be more for advanced coaches but newbies can also use the info to sky rocket and Quantum leap their practice. Be in the energy of your Quantum self NOW by hanging out with people ahead of you....

  • Q. How long do I have access to this course?

    You have lifetime access to this course.

Includes Immediate access to all Digital Content!

Extended payment plans available at checkout for USA residents through Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay.

Praise From Femm Fortune Graduates

"Ever since I discovered the Universe Guru channel on YouTube, my whole personal development journey took on a whole new dimension.

Mina Irfan’s unique teaching style and in-depth knowledge and expertise is so profound that I found that almost all other subscriptions on YouTube were futile because here was the real deal.

Then I purchased my first Universe Guru course, High Value, Worthy Woman and that was life changing. The powerful break down of the law of attraction, the multiple meditations, the 6 step process (that Mina herself still uses today) and the formula that once learned can be applied to any area of life to reverse any limiting beliefs.

Once I completed the course, I dip back in whenever I need a boost or reminder, only to find that there has been additional content generously added free of charge.

This isn’t just a course, it’s a life manual for success and abundance and growth and bliss.

Never before have I witnessed someone demonstrate with such transparency, how they achieved healing and success using powerful real life examples and a step by step process that is still ongoing as Mina continues to expand her capacity for even greater abundance.

I feel like I’ve found a mentor, a friend and an amazing supportive community and I can already feel the ripple effect of my children’s lives being impacted by allowing the universe Guru mantras, principles and values into our lives.

Mina is living proof that we can have everything we want and it gets to be easy and fun.

The Femm Fortune course started today and it was mind blowing.
Piggy backing off of the amazing teaching we have had in recent weeks regarding how to bypass the limiting programming that we have all been subject to since childhood, the Femm Fortune codes breaks down into simple concepts how to differentiate between who we really are and the internal programming that keeps us stuck.
Armed with Mina’s codes and processes, I am so excited to continue this journey with her of discovering who I really am and becoming all I can be.

I feel so blessed. I've found my people.

Kind regards

Heather-Anne Paul"

This was more than I could have imagined. Even after I purchased and was excited, I almost talked myself out of taking the day off from work even though I have 3 months worth of PTO. I came up with a million excuses LOL I could feel my body wanting to reject this. I am beyond grateful for the awareness I now have all because I found you on YouTube. - M

I have been upleveled and so excited To expand my containers.. thank you SO SO MUCH. Love, hugs and light. -T ❤

"This was wonderful Mina. I can’t wait to watch it over and over again so I can hear absolutely everything I might have missed". - Anna

"Thank you so deeply Mina! I have wanted to understand container work on this level for sooo long! What a blessing." - Julia

Course curriculum


    2. Femm Fortune Part 1

    3. Femm Fortune Part 2

    4. Femm Fortune Part 3

    5. Femm Fortune Part 4

    6. Notes

    7. Preparing for Prosperity Part 1

    8. Preparing for Prosperity Part 2

    9. The Identity Portal Part 1

    10. The Identity Portal Part 2

    11. The Identity Portal Part 3

    1. Communication - What Binds & Evolves Us

    2. Common Core Belief Themes & Distortions (TYPES OF CONTAINER ISSUES)

    3. Program vs You: Who is talking?

    4. Coaching Industry

    5. Natural Consequences in Relationships

    6. The Secret Formula of Self-Esteem

    7. Q&A

    8. Notes

    1. Your Quantum Self - Part One

    2. Your Quantum Self - Part Two

    3. Your Deepest Truth - Part One

    4. Your Deepest Truth - Part Two

    1. I Created over 60 Digital Courses, This is what I Learned (The Morphogenetic Leader)

    2. Make Money as an High End LIFE Coach (Secrets of an 8 figure Entrepreneur)

    3. Package & Price your Sacred Work (Get Paid to Exist as A Life Coach)

    4. Sample Package Creation Inspiration

    5. The Morphegentic Leader 1

    6. The Morphegentic Leader 2

    7. Drop in Meditation

    8. How to Be Savagely Successful (The Savage Feminine™)

About this course

  • $3,333.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 20.5 hours of video content

Important things you need to know...

By making this purchase you are agreeing to our full terms and conditions.

As noted in our Terms and Conditions: TheUniverseGuru LLC cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs. masterminds, masterclasses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies. 

Refund Policy

  • We have a strict no refund policy

    There are no refunds or exchanges. Please make sure you are 100% certain before making this purchase. No exceptions will be made.

Your instructor

Tripe Certified Life Coach and Spiritual Mentor Mina Irfan

I am a highly driven, high achieving, multi-passionate visionary who is obsessed with all things education, self help, and personal development since the age of 7. I may be the only person on the planet more obsessed with your alchemy and ascension than you! I have been told that if humans could be chakras I would be the Solar Plexus. I am a 4/6 Projector in human design. I am a best selling Author 2x, adored wife, and mother to 3 kids (one of whom is a adult now!). I have healed my mother and sisterhood wounds, am nervous system and trauma informed so you can trust me when I say you are 100% safe with me. 40k+ students served worldwide and counting.

Includes Immediate access to all Digital Content!

Extended payment plans available at checkout for USA residents through Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay.