Introducing the Quantum Babes Club!

The Wait is Finally Over.....Mina Irfan's Infamous Babes Club is back for a Ravishing Round Two!

Monthly Mastermind with Mina Irfan and an intimate group of HIGH VIBRATION Women

We meet once a month on zoom for group coaching.

All sessions are recorded and available for replay afterwards in the course dashboard.

This Mastermind ends in December 2021.

You will have lifetime access to all digital recordings with the LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP OPTION ONLY.

CONTENT WARNING: This is as raw and real as it gets. if you are sensitive, content may be triggering. Foul Language warning. 

What Members from the Previous Babes Club Said.....

For those of you that haven’t yet joined the High Value Babes Club, don’t hesitate. We had our first live call this morning and it was amazing. I can’t wait to hear about the breakthroughs that I know will be inevitable among these women. So many of us in real life don’t have women that we can have intimate conversations with about what is happening in our lives and these topics we are interested in. This group already feels like a place where we can join together and hold space for one another in a very safe environment. Thank you so much, Mina. I have no doubt I was divinely led to you just in time to join along on this journey. -Misty

High value babes club is for all the ladies who are looking for truly accepting, encouraging the transformation from inside out. I never felt so free of the judgements I have imposed on myself. Thank you Mina. - Rakhee

Wow!!!  Just finished the 1st Babe's session and it IS live coaching on the topic at hand. I am so thankful I didn't allow my reservations of joining stop me from joining. The price goes up tomorrow so just try it for one month. If it's not for you, just unsubscribe to the club of AWESOMEness and JUICYness. Today's topic went beyond the title of discussion. It was vulnerable, honest, and without judgement. Thank You Mina Irfan! - Cherline

For all the ladies that are on the fence I encourage you to join. It is a place of encouragement, growth and intimate conversations we all crave. I was on the fence myself but am glad I joined! - Famina

Course curriculum

    1. Start Here **Live session schedule**

    2. Introduction

    3. Quantum Babes New Language for a New Era

    4. Spirit Consciousness Connection Technique

    5. Into the Field Meditation

    6. Absolute vs Limited Reality Coaching/ Q&A Session

    7. Masculine Containers and Closing Windows

    8. Goals vs Personal Values

    9. Crush Your Insecurities

    10. Masculine Containers and Crush Your Insecurities Coaching and Q&A

    11. New Year Kickoff Session!

    12. Crystalline Clarity

    13. Mastermind Recording 2/06/21

    14. Quantum Leap 4 Levels Head Process

    15. Mastermind Recording 2/27/21

    16. BONUS: What is Divine Feminine Human Design and the 5 Types

    17. Mastermind Session 3/29/21

    18. Mastermind Recording 4/10/21

    19. Overcoming Grief/Loss, How the Masculine Apologizes (Mastermind Recording 4/30/21)

    20. You are Capable, But do You Want to? (Mastermind Recording 5/14/21)

    21. The Divine Feminine Algorithm: You Have the Right to Change Your Flow

    22. Mothering the Inner Child & Expanding the Container

    23. Let it Play Out

    24. The Problem is Never the Problem

    25. Heart/ Brain Coherence - Let the Heart Lead

    26. Decide to be Happy Now, No Matter What!

    27. Keep the Mystery or Own the Consequences

    28. Receptive vs Commanding

    1. Optional Book List

    1. Referrals for Human Design and EMDR

About this course

  • $555.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 22.5 hours of video content