My dearest Mina,
It blows my mind to think that at this time in 2021 I had no clue that my dreams of finding a partner could really come true... especially with these new, "weird" dating principles I learned from this gorgeous, powerful, highly assertive (and intimidating lol), magnetic lady on Youtube LOL. Nevertheless I took the plunge, made a love list, chose to believe that I get to have everything I desire, chose to be different, and kept it all to myself because I was terrified of what the people in my life might think about what I was doing.
The first big shift was simply changing my dating profile to seeking MARRIAGE instead of "long term relationship", because I was always under the impression I would "scare men away" if they knew I wanted marriage. To be honest, it even took me a minute to fully admit to myself I wanted marriage because of this belief current society had put into my head that it's unnecessary and even desperate. Well, things progressed reeeeally quickly after that lol.
I am thrilled to report that the next man I matched and went on a first date with .... IS NOW MY HUSBAND 🎉😭😝💗!!!!! I have attached some photos for you ❤. All of my friends now ask me dating advice and I unapologetically share all I've learned from you, Mina. It feels like a dream that I am here, ecstatic, fully adored and cherished by this man, spoiled, supported, encouraged in all of my dreams and fully devoted to him in return. We are building something so beautiful, timeless and epic together, and you showed me that this was possible.
It has been a month now and I LOVE married life ahaha. So does my hubby 🤗! The best of him continues to emerge and I know it is the same for me. My life gets more spectacular by the day and the thing that used to be my greatest struggle (romantic relationships) is now my greatest asset, greatest manifestation and proudest accomplishment. My husband and I are creating a masterpiece together. This man is a true gift from God, but I know he came to me because I started to see, believe and BEHAVE as the true gift from God that I am.
I am forever grateful to you, my Mina 💝. And the journey is just beginning! See you next week in Re-Paired!
With all my heart, endless love and appreciation for your beautiful soul,
Chrystelle Robinson-Tiedemann (Eeeeee!! I love writing my new last name ahahaha)
Ps- Please also extend my deepest gratitude to Irfan for being such a powerful example of masculine mastery and allowing you to share many intimate details of your partnership in our closed containers. I hold so much respect for him and the way he supports you, even the ways he challenges you. He has truly helped me to envision the qualities I desire and value in a husband. Sending so much love to you both. ❤️