Learn the Exact Attraction Secrets to Take Your Stale, Stalled Exhausting Relationship to Enchanted Love

Learn Exactly How to Inspire Your Cold, Distant, & Withdrawn Man into.....

  • More Attention, Affection, & Communication

  • More Effort & Romance From His Side

  • More Trust & Balance of Duties in Your Relationship

  • A Feeling of Contentment and Security in Your Relationship

  • More Calls, Dates, and Talks About Future Planning from Him Without any Convincing from You.

Learn How to Get A Gut Level, Deep, Emotional Reaction in a Man...

What Your Divine Sisters are saying about this Powerful Attraction Vortex

  • Divine Testimonial

    "I was working way hard in my marriage and my husband was making no time for me. Within days this shifted after I started working on this program." -Rakhee

  • Divine Testimonial

    "Mina, I'm sure you hear this all the time but need to say it anyways. Your work has changed my life! I can't believe how attentive and loving my man is now! Mind completely blown. He has been bringing up marriage!" -Tonya

  • Divine Testimonial

    "After 20 years of a ho hum relationship, I didn't think there was much hope for us. Boy was I wrong! Mina insisted that I take this program and I'm so glad I took her advice! He rushes home after work now and is taking me out on romantic dates and getaways! It's like he isn't even the same man! I am learning to invest more and more in my self now! Thank you Mina!" - Aliya

I'm Ready to Inspire Love, Attraction, & Romance

I'm Worthy of Love, Affection, & Romance and I'm willing to Lovingly Invest in My Growth & Development

Course curriculum

    1. Arouse His Love Masterclass

    2. BONUS: He Brings the Money, You Bring the Honey

    3. BONUS: Men Marry Women, Males Marry Females (How to be A Woman)

    4. BONUS: What Women Bring to the Table

    5. BONUS: Basic Behaviors That Turn Men Off and Make You a Target

    6. BONUS: What Men Bring to the Table

    7. BONUS: Men Date with Emotions, Women Date with Logic

    8. Subliminal Seduction Feminine Dating Hacks to MAKE HIM YOURS FOREVER

    9. Next steps...(and a CODE)

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 17.5 hours of video content