Calling all men and women who...

Refuse to settle for anything less than the most extraordinary love and riches in the 3D.

When you know you are meant to be RICH and Ravished in relationship but trapped in a paradigm where the world seems to over complicate the entire thing!

You know without a shadow of a doubt that it is your calling, your motive, your purpose for existing to be cherished, adored, worshipped in divine union AND be filthy rich (dripping in divine diamonds) in this lifetime. 

Hi, my name is Mina Irfan and I am a overachieving bad-ass woman who has laser focus, crystalline clarity, and tunnel vision when it comes to minding my LOVE and RICHES on this planet!

It is my mission and the deepest desire of my heart to help as many men, women, and families on this planet to have both the most extraordinary LOVE and the most extraordinary RICH life! 

Under my watch, marriage and family gets to WIN WIN WIN! 

Here is my story in a nut-shell...

When your first memory (from age 5) is s3xual abuse before you even know what that means…

And you are voted too ugly and incompetent as a 12 year old to “hold on to a man” before your own desire to have one is even awakened…

And your grades don’t reflect your intelligence because you often go to school hungry and too late and disorganized to have school breakfast…And are bullied everyday for being poor and never having the right clothes, shoes, etc.

✨You grow up to be a woman who routinely outsources her power.

✨ Have radiant light but poor boundaries which often attracts takers and predators into your field.

✨ Tend to second guess your desires and decisions.

✨Turn on your masculine energy in overdrive and lock out your feminine essence because you judge it as weak.

✨Developed a tendency to over-optimize only one area of your life:  Masculine Succuss (because it will get you the most outward facing claps and feed into your deep rooted scarcity).

Hell, you don’t even realize you have your own divine agency, sovereignty, and personal power until decades later after intense inner work…

And then you transform into becoming the happiest, most radiant, most successful woman (in all the ways) in your lineage despite all the setbacks and naysayers. 🙌🏼

Breaking too many generational curses to even keep count!

Because you fing decided that no one else but you gets to write your story!

And you know, trust, and believe that God has intended BIG plans for you or He wouldn't have allocated divine resources to your existence! 

And given you the distinct divine desires of your heart!

And you would NEVER want to let God down so you accept the mission!

If this is you…. I see you 👀 boo.

There is a place where You stand fully in your personal power even if you don't completely believe it or see it yet… 

Where you know exactly who you are and what path you need to grace…

Where you end the addictions to pain and suffering…. However subtle and tricky they may be…

I have been called and sent to help you REMEMBER and ACTIVATE your DEEPEST LOVE and Divine Riches.

And so it is!

Braiding the delicate energetics of Divine Union and Divine Riches!

Intentions for this Masterclass...

We hope to touch upon the following topics, but you agree that since this is channeled work, exact content that comes through may vary...

  • What is Divine HAQQ and how it transforms all relationships (hint: It is one of the 99 names of God)

  • How eastern culture ingrains this concept of reciprocity and reciprocals to create an authentic, honest, deep devotion of love, loyalty, giving, and receiving in relationships.

  • Why and how to bring this to your modern relationships to have ravished LOVE and divine riches in your life!

  • How knowing this will have the right partner BEGGING to give you exactly what you authentically desire from them while also ready to receive fully your relationship gifts.

  • The pink and blueprint to creating money babies through Divine HAQQ. Good for people with careers, jobs, or businesses (money is money!)

  • Whatever else comes through as that moment's truth and knowing.

Divine HAQQ Masterclass by Mina Irfan is now pre-enrolling!

Braiding the delicate energetics of Divine Union and Divine Riches!

  • This is a 4 hour masterclass that was hosted live on zoom on June 6, 2024. You are now purchasing the digital recording of this masterclass.

  • Homework and integration prompts included as well as the Fire Projection Portal Embodiment Exercise.

  • The ideal student is in the Self-Aware Barbie/Ken stage which means she/he is strong, independent, resourceful, high achieving, willing and ready to learn, and a bad-ass who can make shit happen! You have achieved huge success in ONE area of life and want that same midas touch in other areas as well.

  • I teach through the emersion of ancient spirituality, interweaving various religions, and integrating modern science. All religions and belief systems welcome but it is your responsibilty to customize it to fit into your values and deep truths.

  • University bundle students will have access to the recording.

  • Men and Women are welcome.

When you require both Divine Love AND Divine Riches...

and at the same time please...thank you very much.

Am I the only one that thinks life wouldn't be much fun unless I had both Divine Love and Divine Riches!! Also all at the same time.

I need the romance and I need the riches. Period.

No exceptions.

I decided that I get to have both a very long time ago and refused to back down until the Universe provided.

I don't understand why anyone would think they have to choose one over the other.

Or that either one of those things requires sacrificing the other.

All I know is that Divine Union would be no fun without money and what would I do with money without someone to enjoy it with?

Now I know some people are perfectly happy on having just one and not the other. However, this is a choice I refuse to make when I can have both.

When I think of Divine Riches, specifically when it comes to Haqq, my mind instantly goes to sacred overflow.

What I mean by that is.... Riches circulating in and from our life blesses others through the field of overflow.

Take my current offer, the Divine Haqq Masterclass, as an example.

I am taking everything that God has given me the brains, body, soul, resources to learn and embody about the topic of Haqq and packaging it into a 2 hour masterclass. Let's call this Divine Haqq overflow#1.

Divine Haqq overflow #2. People who are excited, willing, and able to learn and embody that transmission from me are happily paying for my masterclass. They earned the resources they are using to pay for this class through exchanging their own brilliance and energy with others, this is Divine Haqq overflow #3.

Divine Haqq overflow#4. As they learn and embody this new information/wisdom/transmission into their own life....the expansion will create opportunities for more wealth, love, and pleasure beyond what any of us can even begin to imagine right now.

For example: I continue to be blessed by the wisdom I exchanged money for with my University over 2 decades later. I decided money spent on education and embodiment is never wasted and this is always my reality. Because I decided it gets to happen that way!

Divine Haqq overflow #5. My company takes the earning we made from this masterclass and pays our team, payment processing services, hosting websites, and countless other partnered businesses who contributed to making this masterclass possible. (thank you for existing so we can do this!)

Divine Haqq overflow #6. After deducting our expenses, we then take a huge portion of the masterclass earnings and pay the government taxes which then goes and supports countless community services like police, firefighters, shelters, welfare services for those in need, roads, bridges, etc.

Divine Haqq overflow #7. From my personal share I am free to invest, spend, share, give away, pass on whatever and however my heart desires to bless even more people (including my future self and descendants), businesses I love to buy from, charities, gifts, etc.

Can you see that the compounding of God is truly unlimited and infinite for those that believe, decide, and take aligned action towards their desires?

Money keeps circulating infinitely, blessing all in its path that decide to be blessed by it!

Believers will be rewarded as the scriptures say on repeat.

God gave you the ability to acquire resources such as knowledge, wisdom, and skillsets so you could create wealth for yourself and bless others in the process.

I am teaching about this in my upcoming Brand new masterclass Divine HAQQ for those who want both Divine Union AND Divine Riches.

Also for those that are tired of the same old regurgitated crap lol on the internet and ready for something different, pure, ancient, and from the scriptures.

And that will actually help you create something deep and real in your life.

See you there!

Important things you need to know...

As noted in our Terms and Conditions: TheUniverseGuru LLC cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs. masterminds, masterclasses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies. 

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing that is a part of the TheUniverseGuru LLC brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of TheUniverseGuru LLC  programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, masterclasses, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

Results not guaranteed.  Individual results vary.

The Universe Guru™  is not a mental/medical health practitioner or mental/medical health provider and is not holding itself out to be in any capacity.  The Universe Guru™  is not providing counseling or therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or mental ailment.  The Universe Guru™  is a  coach/mentor who helps you reach your own goals through personal accountability and guidance.

Please read full terms and conditions by at the bottom or top of this sales page.

Refund Policy

  • We have a strict no refund policy

    There are no refunds or exchanges. Please make sure you are 100% certain before making this purchase. No exceptions will be made. You are agreeing to our full terms of purchase by enrolling in this masterclass.

Course curriculum

    1. Divine Haqq Masterclass Part 1

    2. Divine Haqq Masterclass Part 2

    3. Divine Haqq Masterclass Part 3 (Q&A)

    4. Journal and Integration Prompts

    5. Powerpoint Slides

    6. Exclusive University Bundle Offer

About this course

  • $377.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

For men and women who refuse to have anything less than Divine Union and Divine Riches!

Payment plans with Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay available at checkout for USA residents.

He ordered through the Wendy's drive thru, on

Understanding Divine Haqq: Relationship Rights

My hubby WALKED through the Wendy's drive thru the other day.

Yup, you read that correctly... he went though the drive thru without a freaking car!

Like on foot, in his flip flops. lol

The driver behind him (who actually came with his car, as seen in photo above lol) was so confused. Probably wondering what this guy is doing in a drive thru on foot!

They probably didn't understand the concept of divine HAQQ.

Al-Haqq is one of the 99 names of God in the Islamic religion (don't worry I won't get all preachy with you, stay with me here.)

Its literal definition includes: Truth, Right, and Ultimate Reality.

In Pakistani culture, the word Haqq has a depth of concept in lived reality unlike anything else I have ever seen, especially when it comes to relationship rights.

When you truly understand and embody this concept, relationships transform into the God Zone.

In a nut shell - Haqq in relationships defines what you get to have is also what they get to and deeply desire to give.

Lets get back to our drive thru incident to help you understand this concept a bit more.

We had just gotten back from our fabulous family vacation to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Once home, we resumed our daily family walks (we are currently at 12k-15K steps a day!)

Sometimes we stay inside the gates and simply walk the 1.6 mile loop inside our community several times to get both the soul nurturing family conversations and our steps in.

About once or twice a week the kids like to go outside the gates and walk to one of the area restaurants, grocery store, or Target.

On this particular day, they wanted Wendy's for dinner.

So we walked all the way to Wendy's (a pretty generous walk) only to discover that their doors were locked even though it was only 6pm.

"but I really wanted Wendy's," my daughter said, looking disappointed.

"I just saw a car go through the drive thru, so why are the doors locked" my son asked.

"Let me go check," hubby said as he walked around the Wendy's while we stood out front.

We waited...

and waited...

But no sign of hubby.

"Where did daddy go?" I wondered out loud and started taking the kids around the restaurant but from the opposite side so we could stay on the side walk part.

And then we saw him!!

Irfan was at the drive thru window handing over his credit card to the lady!

"OMG! Mom! Daddy walked through the drive thru" My kids said, laughing as my son pulled out his phone quickly to take a picture to send his brother.

The lady at Wendy's came around and opened the door for us after taking payment, "sorry we are very short staffed so had to lock the doors, but you can come in."

Why would a man walk through the drive thru instead of simply taking his kids someplace else?

Because fulfilling his family's desires is his deepest desire...

Because it is just as much his HAQQ to provide for his family whatever and however he can as it is their right to receive that joy from him.

Relationships rights, according to Haqq, have a reciprocal relationship.

Another example: Everyday after our walk, my daughter takes her father's flip flops and lovingly puts them away in the coat closet. She finds just as much joy in doing this for him everyday as he gets in knowing he doesn't have to do it because his daughter cares about him.

This is their Haqq in the father/daughter relationship.

The beautiful thing about Haqq is that it transcends human relationships and also works in our relationship with God, Money, Health, and all the things.

I am teaching about this in my upcoming Brand new masterclass Divine HAQQ for those who want both Divine Union AND Divine Riches.

And at the same time, thank you very much. lol

Or simply to take both of these aspects into higher heavens if they already have both but want more.


Just for fun...

This Masterclass is selling like Chanel on new season launch day!

So happy to see you so excited about this powerful message.

Here are some answers to common questions that may be coming up for you.

Q. Can I just google this stuff?

A. In order to google something, you have to first know about it. Now that I have given you a name to look up, so yes technically you can google it. However what I am about to teach you will not be found anywhere on the Internet or off of it.

Why? Because It's 43 years of study and embodiment of ancient Islamic scripture combined with personal lived experience/ knowledge of Pakistani culture. 

All this mixed with the ability to make it relatable and appliable to the modern day person's relationship and finances. Throw in there my unique knowledge of evolutionary science and it's wrap. 

Sidenote: no one actually asked this question but I thought it would be hilarious to include it. Sometimes people on the internet seem to think decades of life wisdom is acquired through University of Google or some random book you are gatekeeping LMAO. 

So yes you can try Google or even IA but it's not Mina Irfan. 

Q. Can I read about this in books?

Yes!! The Bible and Quran are amazing places to study to learn more about God's word and desire for our relationship and riches and great places to start your journey.

Q. Is this for single or married women?

A. This masterclass is open to both men and women and great for single or married people. It would be such a fun vibe to take with your partner as well!

Q. Is the Riches part only for entrepreneurs and business owners? What if I have a 9 to 5 career?

A. We will be talking about the energetics of Money from all legal and holy (halal) sources and how to think in terms of long term money babies and legacy. Money is money so all sources of income are valid as long as they fall under God's obedience as far as I am concerned. 

Q. Is this for religious people or people from a certain religion?

A. Absolutely not. I am really brilliant at taking deeply spiritual concepts (from various religious and science) and making them deeply relatable regardless of your belief systems. If you can keep an open mind and take what resonates right now and leave what doesn't, this class will be a lot of fun for you! I am always open and willing to learn from all the aligned sources!

Q. Is this masterclass a preview or sample of a larger course?

A. We received this question from a interested student the other and wanted to clarify. 

Some masterclasses are designed to serve as preview or sample of a large course or mastermind that is upsold at the end of the class. I totally get this model and have used it previously. For example my Millionairess Playshop leads to the full Million Dollar Babe Money Course for those that want to continue learning with me.

This is not how my new masterclasses will be designed or intended.

The Divine Haqq Masterclass will be whole and complete on it's own. I will do my best to share EVERYTHING I know about this topic in the time allotted. 

For men and women who refuse to have anything less than Divine Union and Divine Riches!

Payment plans with Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay available at checkout for USA residents.