Get Cashed Up, Lusciously Loved, & Live The Divine Life Made for the Forever Fortunate Femm Goddess!

Are You Ready to Expand and Elevate Your High End, Energetic Couture Containers to Hold Your Desires The Divine Femm Way?

Babe, It's Divine Time to Elevate, Expand, and Evolve Your Energetic Containers to Match Your Divine Desires. 

It's Time to Activate Your Luxury, High End Energetic Couture Containers..

The Calling is here to Release Smallness, Self Sabotage, and Sacrifice to Unlock Your Divine Codes for Femm Fortune, Priestess Power, and Luscious Love!

We all have Subconscious Decisions of how much Love, Joy, and Money we will allow in your lives.

Heck, We even have this for how much weight we will allow ourselves to gain or lose.  Can Anyone Relate?

Or what kind of Friends we Make and Keep....

Or The Types of Men we Date...

When we hit this Emotional Set Point, we do everything in our Power to keep ourselves Safely Stuck here...

We Comfortably Stay Small...Even when we Desire Goddess Greatness...

We Self-Sabotage even if We Desire Next Level Queenly Quantum Leaps...

We Sacrifice our Divine Dreams for the Elusive Illusion of Safety and Staying in a Box we have clearly out grown....

Diva, it's time to Ditch the Distortions, and Activate Your Divine Femm Codes....

Turn Whining and Wishful Thinking into Wisdom and Wealth....

Alchemize your Pain and Misfortune into Alignment...

Everything you DEEPLY Desire, Requires a Bigger Energetic Container than what you will allow yourself currently....

Join Priestess Power Activator, Mina Irfan, in Unlocking your...


In this Extravaganza Intensive on Expanding Your Energetic Containers.


Total of over 7 HOURS OF HIGH PRIESTESS TRANSMISSIONS on Expanding your Energetic Containers.

BONUS: Preparing for Prosperity Playshop NOW available! 

BONUS: The Identity Portal Playshop - Now Available!

INTELLIGENT INNER WORK Prompts that get you out of your Constricting Comfort Zones and into Your Goddess Zone of Genius.

Gain Laser Lucid Crystalline Clarity of your Divine Desires vs Conditioned Programming.

A WHOLE NEW PROCESS for Expanding Your Container No Matter What you Desire or How Big Your Next Queenly Quantum Leaps happen to be.

Digital Recording of All Content Available Immediately

Femm Fortune Alums

"My name is Katrina and I want to share my experience with  Mina's inner work programs. I found Mina's channel about 3 1/2 months ago. When I came across her Live Your Best Life video I was hook. I don't know what happened but it resonated with me so much. It was like the moment you knew your life will never be the same! It took me a whole day to get through the video because i kept rewinding ever thing she said. WHAT! I started searching through all her other video and I was shocked! She was the person I had been searching for. I signed up for her feminine energy mega bundle and binged watched it for days. I had already started doing inner work but this made it all make sense. I was Self-Aware Barbie 1000! After just a few week of this inner work, I walked past the mirror and I saw a women that was beautiful! I didn't understand it. 

I looked beautiful to myself. My face my body everything felt so yummy. People started  complimenting me. People I didn't even know started telling me I was beautiful. When I was with my husband people ask me if I'm his daughter.  One guy  asked was I his girlfriend or his wife. This is just a few weeks before my 50th birthday!!!! ....So what did I do?... I started over eating and not sleeping or doing the things I know to do. I wanted to see if it would go away!! That sounds silly but its true. I'm the queen of self sabotage. Then here comes Mina with the Femm Fortune Container  Code video which explains when you grow without expanding your container first, you will self sabotage and that its normal to start aging in reverse with inner work. I was so excited and couldn't wait for the class. I'm even more excited after the class. ( this is me exhaling). If you have any doubts about taking Mina course, Don't!  All your hard work is being sabotaged by your inner programming. Mina is the only person teaching  Feminine embodiment and exposing your faulty thinking.. She has set me free. No more being addicted to suffering for me.

Please, do yourself a favor and take try the course. Its worth every penny and will change your life."


Learn everything you need to know about expanding your containers in the next 7.5 hours! Immediate access to all content.

Praise from Femm Fortune Graduate

"Ever since I discovered the Universe Guru channel on YouTube, my whole personal development journey took on a whole new dimension.

Mina Irfan’s unique teaching style and in-depth knowledge and expertise is so profound that I found that almost all other subscriptions on YouTube were futile because here was the real deal.

Then I purchased my first Universe Guru course, High Value, Worthy Woman and that was life changing. The powerful break down of the law of attraction, the multiple meditations, the 6 step process (that Mina herself still uses today) and the  formula that once learned can be applied to any area of life to reverse any limiting beliefs.

Once I completed the course, I dip back in whenever I need a boost or reminder, only to find that there has been additional content generously added free of charge.

This isn’t just a course, it’s a life manual for success and abundance and growth and bliss.

Never before have I witnessed someone demonstrate with such transparency, how they achieved healing and success using powerful real life examples and a step by step process that is still ongoing as Mina continues to expand her capacity for even greater abundance.

I feel like I’ve found a mentor, a friend and an amazing supportive community and I can already feel the ripple effect of my children’s lives being impacted by allowing the universe Guru mantras, principles and values into our lives.

Mina is living proof that we can have everything we want and it gets to be easy and fun.

The Femm Fortune course started today and it was mind blowing.
Piggy backing off of the amazing teaching we have had in recent weeks regarding how to bypass the limiting programming that we have all been subject to since childhood, the Femm Fortune codes breaks down into simple concepts how to differentiate between who we really are and the internal programming that keeps us stuck.
Armed with Mina’s codes and processes, I am so excited to continue this journey with her of discovering who I really am and becoming all I can be.

I feel so blessed. I've found my people.

Kind regards

Heather-Anne Paul"

This was more than I could have imagined. Even after I purchased and was excited, I almost talked myself out of taking the day off from work even though I have 3 months worth of PTO. I came up with a million excuses LOL I could feel my body wanting to reject this. I am beyond grateful for the awareness I now have all because I found you on YouTube. - M

I have been upleveled and so excited To expand my containers.. thank you SO SO MUCH. Love, hugs and light. -T ❤

"This was wonderful Mina. I can’t wait to watch it over and over again so I can hear absolutely everything I might have missed". - Anna

"Thank you so deeply Mina! I have wanted to understand container work on this level for sooo long! What a blessing." - Julia

Learn everything you need to know about expanding your containers! Immediate access to all content.

Get the Femm Fortune as Part of the Conscious Couture Coach Course!

Transform Yourself and Coach from Your Ovarian Power and Overflow...

  • $3,333.00

    Conscious Couture Coach

    Become A Conscious, Couture Coach using Mina's Exclusive Container Coursework and Unique Coaching Style. BONUS: Includes the Full FEMM FORTUNE Container Course!!
    Ready to Heal the Collective!

Course curriculum

    1. Femm Fortune Part 1

    2. Femm Fortune Part 2

    3. Femm Fortune Part 3

    4. Femm Fortune Part 4

    5. Notes

    6. BONUS: Resetting Container after Self Sabotage

    7. Preparing For Prosperity Playshop Part 1

    8. Preparing for Prosperity Playshop Part 2

    9. The Identity Portal Part 1

    10. The Identity Portal Part 2

    11. The Identity Portal Part 3

    12. Next STEPS...

About this course

  • $1,111.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content