Get the Ring Now formula!

Learn how to ditch the girlfriend stage and get the the ring instead!

Perfect if you're a complete beginner to dating for marriage or just want to speed up your results!

What's Included?

  • Learn my Entire Get The Ring Now Formula.

  • Learn Exactly What a Healthy, Energetically & Emotionally Balanced Ravishing Relationship Looks and Feels Like, even if you had no healthy role models growing up.

  • Discover why you may be Subconsciously CHOOSING to stay single even though you SAY you want a Relationship.

  • Learn How to Actually Spot A Relationship-Worthy Man, even if you have attracted not so ideal men in the past.

  • Learn why Men are wired to date Emotionally and Women are Wired to Date with LOGIC, even if you have found dating confusing in the past.

  • A total of 37 hours of content to get you ready to get the ring available immediately...

  • This course was formally called: Modern Dating for Queens

Case studies: She Got the Ring!

Ditch the Fake Girlfriend Status, and Become Wifey Instead!

Case studies: From Trapped as the Girlfriend to Wifey!


I've sat down a few times to write this email, but I wanted to make sure I gave it the attention it deserves.

I want to say THANK YOU for shining your light and sharing your truth on YouTube. It was what led me to your courses, and they have truly changed my life.

I started with the Worthy Woman course, which led me to explore relationships, money mindset, and finally, what it means to be a feminine embodiment of a high-value goddess. I know I have a long path ahead, but I'm no longer daunted. I know it will be easier than I ever expected, better than I imagined, and it will feel like an unfolding, a coming home to me - which is such a relief, because for years I struggled with trying to mold myself into the form of other women I admired. Now, I am more myself than ever - I've just peeled away the facade of trying to be what society or family might have wanted, and scrubbed away the darkness of trauma and victimhood.

I was raised by a mother with narcissistic personality disorder and a father who enabled her and was physically abusive himself. It left me confused about how to be in relationships in a healthy way, and there were many years where I sought the love I never got from my parents in the men that I dated. I'm sure you can guess how terribly that ended. I had a lot of baggage by the time I was in my mid-twenties and had given up on finding a husband.

Then I met my now-fiancee. I didn't see him as a potential boyfriend at the time - but as he proved he could establish himself financially and that he was willing to "rise to the occasion" to meet my standards, things shifted, and we started to both see each other as potential spouse material.

Of course, we both had growing up to do. And it hasn't always been an easy road. But last year, after having beeb his girlfriend for 7 years, I hit a breaking point. I decided I was tired of waiting, I wanted to be married, and I wasn't going to wait for him anymore. I didn't tell him, but my energy sure did. I did the 90 day relationship rehab and the conscious couples courses. I started putting myself first, taking care of me, and focusing on being the woman who was reciprocal for the kind of man I wanted. And about 6 months into all of this, I really noticed he shifted, too. He started taking me on very nice dates, he said goodbye to immature friends, and he started talking about how he was going to aggressively pursue raises in his career so that we could have the wedding, honeymoon, and home we both we wanted. I'll be honest, I didn't really believe him. I needed to see it to believe it.

And then, he planned a vacation for us. He didn't tell me any of the details, he didn't make me do any of the planning (something I hate to do), and it was better than I ever could have imagined. He proposed right at the beginning, and we spent the week at 5 star resorts and eating at the very best restaurants. He told me how he'd purposefully planned it so we would have lifetime memories of this important time together - it was perhaps the most loving and thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. I finally relaxed into trusting his love, and trusting I could have the relationship and life I wanted.

Never in my dreams would I have imagined my engagement would come with a week of luxury vacation. I always felt like I'd be so lucky to have the proposal that I wouldn't even care about where or how. I realize now how ridiculous that is - and how much more I deserve, and it kind of breaks my heart to see how little I thought I was worth.

Now we are planning our wedding - and it's again a reminder that I don't have to limit my desires. I can speak them with audacity and clarity, and receive even more than I expect.

Life gets to be magickly fantastic, awe-inspiring, and more richly beautiful than I could ever have imagined. This is the gift of goddess embodiment. ✨

Thank you for helping me find my way home to myself, Mina.

- Jennifer

Learn the Get the Ring Now Formula and have your king claim you!

Payment plans available at checkout for USA residents through Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay.

Case studies: She Found her King at 51 Years Young!

He Put a Ring on it and Treats Her Like the Queen she is!

Current Student Testimonials

Case study: "Mina, he worships me!"

Learn the Get the Ring Now Formula and skip the girlfriend stage!

Payment plans available at checkout for USA residents through Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay.

Case studies of Women standing in their power!

Dear Mina, 

I'm writing to share my success and gratitude.

Back in December, I started watching your content after going through a horrible break up. I was indeed TRAPPED in the girlfriend trap. I was blindly loyal to a man for two years, while unknowingly to me, he was rotational dating and sleeping with other people.
I had little to no identity outside of being a girlfriend, didn't even KNOW what rotational dating was, etc. My energy at this time revolved completely around being chosen by him. (Paid for meals, had zero sexual boundaries, had no voice, no clue what my desires were, no love list, no self worth, etc.)
I had almost zero self love. The self love I claimed to have was just that - a claim, but in hindsight, it was not embodied.
Thanks to your life changing advice, I am an entirely new woman. I quite literally followed your advice step-by-step. I downgraded my "boyfriend", started rotational dating using my love list, and walked away from anyone who didn't meet my non-negotiables on that LL with no exceptions.
I bossed up. I changed my diet, my mind set, started a spiritual business, enrolled in classes, meditated daily, practiced celibacy to reclaim my power, and arguably the best change, I established my "rules for entry". I closed the old door, and made room for new doors to be open. I emotionally detached from him and in doing so, allowed the masculine to work for the right to enter my heart.
He started begging for my emotional attachment - sending me money, asking me to join him on trips, calling me daily. Professing his love for me from all angles. He literally went full on Romeo mode (lol). This went on for a few months while I continued to lean back into my feminine energy.

He of course after seeing my glow up asked for exclusivity. But, I stuck to the script and embodiment of my desires.
Mina - LESS THAN 1 WEEK after I told him I was looking for marriage, and that I would continue to rotationally date until someone proposed to me that met my love list, he is trying to take me off the market.
Last night, he asked me if I'm "ready" to be proposed to. (He's indian, and I'm white. His parents have been trying to arrange his marriage the entire time I've known him.) He asked me if I'm ready because he knows he will have to go against his parents wishes to have me and doesn't want to face that unless he knows I'm in.
I stuck to my script and told him I was so flattered, and that I understood that he has to face adversity to be with me. I validated his vulnerability, etc. I said that I could see myself saying yes to your proposal, but until you're actually asking me, I will continue to rotational date, etc.
I could literally physically see him trying to work through solving the problems to get to me. He started laying out all the dates of when he plans to tell his parents to stop arranging marriage proposals, when they come back the states next month after their trip to India.
My hopes are not "up", I feel so stable and confident that if his words don't match his actions, It simply does not affect me because there are so many amazing men out there who would love the chance to take me off the market.
I can't thank you enough. You have literally changed my life and I needed to personally thank you for your incredible work. I have found myself so easily saying, "Thank God for Mina!"
You've shown me that my power and worth is inherent. My inner work journey has accelerated because of your teachings. I went from spending hours crying over this man, to laughing & playing through life.

I have shared your work with anyone who I think would benefit, and it has created some incredible conversations. Your commitment to healing the collective feminine is rippling world wide.
With love and gratitude, Savanna 

I am so excited to write you this email as I have finally got some alone time and an opportunity to reflect. I found your channel randomly as a suggestion on my Youtube feed in January of 2021 and I was instantly drawn to your work. Everything made sense, and the tough love approach around inner work and self development really hit home for me. I do believe it was divine timing as I was doing a fast (I am christian) during the time I discovered you.

As I was binge watching all of your videos I stumbled across an older video around not being anyone's girlfriend. At the time I was actively dating and was looking for marriage. I started incorporating your suggestions (not being a girlfriend, dating more than one at a time, love list, and dating within the age gap principle). I also signed up for Modern Dating for Queens (I apologize I did not complete all of it lol).

I met my husband on Valentine's weekend of this year. He was instantly drawn to me and asked to be exclusive in April. I politely told him "I was flattered by his request but I was not looking to be a girlfriend and that I wanted to be a wife". I continued dating others. He was so bothered by the fact that I was dating other men that he eventually proposed on the night of June 26th (I had a date earlier that day with another man btw lol).

I stand now as a married woman writing this email to you. We had a beautiful wedding on October 2nd of this year and just came back from our honeymoon in Cancun. He is a provider Mina and such a good man to me. He truly cherishes me like no other man has. It's funny because he loves telling the story to his friends and families on how I never committed to him and he was already committed to me.

Mina, thank you so much for telling your truth on Youtube. I am certain I would not be where I am had I not stumbled across your channel. I had no support during the time I was doing rotational dating, everyone thought I was crazy. They said that I was way over my head to think that a man would propose without being a girlfriend first. I was able to stay strong by listening to you and remembering that most of the population is programmed with limiting beliefs and that I had to make decisions about my own life. I am so glad I followed my gut because I proved them all wrong, and ironically they are asking me for dating advice now.

Mrs. Richards :)

"Come join Mina Irfan on what seems like one Fabulously Extended, Adventurous Date Night!"

You are one click away from Unlocking the Wisdom Codes & Relationship Dynamics that Sacredly Shift Your Relationship Consciousness from Confusion and "winging it" to Cosmically Crystal Clear

  • Dating Diva Transformed

    “Hi Mina, yep he did proposed to me!! We are getting married in June. Wow Mina you know my story and you know that you helped me like I have no words to describe how much you helped me. I feel so blessed that I found you 2 years ago on youtube but I never knew my life was going to turn in such a positive way. II thought there were no good man and here I am today about to get married soon to a men who constantly is showing me he cares about me through real actions, constantly Mina. I will continue to learn from you because of the reason I have been following you, because you have a high value on marriage and teach me how to get there, also your High Value Worthy Woman program was the key to my success alone with the Goddess program thank you.” With love, Monica

  • Dating Diva Transformed

    "I came to this course (Modern Dating Intensive) thinking that there's not much I would learn from it, but oh boy, I was totally wrong. I am so grateful that I trusted Mina's recommendation more than I trusted my own knowledge. This course is a deep inner work, meaning It truly transformed who I am, what I think I am. This course cleared every doubt I had in my mind. I am so clear on what are my deepest desires, and what kind of a man I deeply want, and on the top of that I know exactly where to look for, and how to spot him, and how to welcome and invite him in my life. Of course, this all done by being feminine, playful and light, deeply knowing that I am a Queen who is worthy of king. I highly recommend taking this course with the sacred feminine intensive, which is something I did, they make the best combination. I always say that the sacred feminine saved my life, and this course saved my heart. The roads are clear to my happiness, joy, and life.” - Khadra from Seattle

  • Dating Diva Transformed

    "Wanted to post a success story!! I’ve applied many of the tips I’ve learned from Mina over the last two years that I’ve been with my amazing man, and on Friday he proposed! I’m over the moon and so thankful to be with someone so high value, strong and masculine. Thank you, Mina, for all that you post on here and for the way you encourage us ladies to embrace our feminine energy." -Cecellia

They Got the RING!!

Only about 10% of our students allow us to share their testimony publicly so we are always grateful for the opportunity to celebrate with you!

Your instructor

Double Certified Manifestation and Love Coach. Nervous System Informed Practitioner. Mina Irfan

Best-selling author of Lady Balls and Contained in Love. Mina Irfan is a Double Certified Love and Business Coach. Nervous System Informed Practitioner. Mina has mentored some of the world's most high performance, high achieving women. She has been married for 16 years and has three children.

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    There are no refunds or exchanges. Please make sure you are 100% certain before making this purchase. No exceptions will be made. You are agreeing to our full terms of purchase by enrolling in this course.

Learn the Get the Ring Now Formula and date for marriage instead!

Payment plans available at checkout for USA residents through Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video **Start Here**

    2. Welcome!!

    1. Love List Reciprocal Guide

    2. 21 Day King Invocation

    1. Lesson 1 Video Training Session

    2. Lesson 1 Homework

    3. Lesson 1 Affirmations

    1. Lesson 2 Video Training Session

    2. Lesson 2 Homework

    3. Lesson 2 Affirmations

    1. Lesson 3 Video Training Session

    2. Lesson 3 Homework

    1. Audio Meditation Session

    2. Lesson 4 Homework

About this course

  • $444.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 37 hours of video content