Million Dollar Babe® Course
A Rite of Passage for the Quantum Woman. Mina Irfan The Universe Guru.
For those wanting to cover Astronomical Distances and live 1000 Lifetimes in 100 human years.
Ready to own your full feminine power in the Million Dollar Babe stage?
Ready to activate your dream body, soul mate relationship, manifest with God, all without sacrificing any area of your life?
The Million Dollar Babe is the stage of Feminine/Masculine healing and integration. In this stage, surrender is a natural way of being because we trust in love and feel safe in our body and in the world. The Million Dollar Babe lives in divine flow, utilizing the beautiful structures she has created in her life. Because she is intuitive and fully receptive to her spirit and angel guides, this manifesting babe never feels or works alone. She is fully balanced and fluid in her masculine/feminine energies. This manifesting queen is vulnerable, sensual, and fully embodied in her delicious worthiness. Her heart is fully open and rests in warmth, faith, and love. This is the “lucky bitch” stage where everyone assumes our MDB is just born lucky, not realizing this is a learned and embodied stage and they too can activate it.
In this fully integrated frequency, the left and right sides of the brain are perfectly in sync and working together, giving you what may seem like superhuman abilities. This means you are experiencing moments of what is known as the zone or flow. Since you are perfectly balanced in your feminine and masculine energies, you can switch and sway between the two very easily. This is how we would naturally be if the mother wound hadn’t occurred in our early formative years. However, me and my clients and students have had to reparent ourselves to learn this essential way of living and being.
Join Mina Irfan and high vibe women in this activating journey to ascension into the MDB stage.
As a Million Dollar Babe, get ready to...
Lesson 1, Part 1
Lesson 1, Part 2, Meditation
Lesson 1, Part 3
Lesson 2
Lesson 3, Part 1
Lesson 3, Part 2, Meditation
Lesson 3, Part 3
Lesson 4, Part 1 (Audio Only)
Lesson 4, Part 2 Goddess Activation Meditation
Lesson 4, Part 3
Lesson 5, Part 1
Lesson 5, Part 2
Lesson 5, Part 3 Intuition Awakening
Lesson 5, Part 4
Lesson 6
Cord Cutting Invocation
Quantum Babes - New Language for a New Era
Spirit Consciousness Connection Technique
Into the Field Meditation
Absolute vs Limited Reality Coaching/ Q&A Session
Masculine Containers and Closing Windows
Goals vs Personal Values
Crush Your Insecurities
Masculine Containers and Crush Your Insecurities Coaching and Q&A
New Year Kickoff Session!
Crystalline Clarity
Mastermind Recording 2/06/21
Quantum Leap 4 Levels Head Process
Mastermind Recording 2/27/21
BONUS: What is Divine Feminine Human Design and the 5 Types
Mastermind Session 3/29/21
Mastermind Recording 4/10/21
Overcoming Grief/Loss, How the Masculine Apologizes (Mastermind Recording 4/30/21)
You are Capable, But do You Want to? (Mastermind Recording 5/14/21)
The Divine Feminine Algorithm: You Have the Right to Change Your Flow
Mothering the Inner Child & Expanding the Container
Let it Play Out
The Problem is Never the Problem
Heart/ Brain Coherence - Let the Heart Lead
Decide to be Happy Now, No Matter What!
Keep the Mystery or Own the Consequences
Receptive vs Commanding
The Modern Day Lakshmi: (Akashic Debts, Money Karma, & Vow of Poverty)
The Modern Day Lakshmi (Portals and Grids of Wisdom and Prosperity)
The Modern Day Lakshmi (Timeline JUMPING with Portals)
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