Profit from Every Post: Social Media Monetization Plan

Learn How to Turn Every Post into a Paycheck Using a Proven, Repeatable System.

Perfect for anyone who wants to monetize their existing audience while attracting new and ready clients!

What's Included?

  • Shift from posting randomly or without a clear strategy to feeling empowered, knowing that every post has a purpose and profit potential.

  • Learn to attract an audience that consistently converts into clients, customers, or members of their paid communities.

  • Using my Profit From Every Post Framework, your social media posts become evergreen content that continues to generate profit and leads long after they've been posted.

  • Learn a clear social media plan that aligns with their business goals, reducing overwhelm and making posting easier.

  • Learn to make Cash from every Caption by implementing Compelling Copy and messaging that speaks directly to the customers already wanting to pay for your services and products.

  • Learn the 3 types of content that Attracts BUYERS on YouTube and Instagram that gets you paid! Most businesses are leaving money on the table by only posting one type of content on repeat!

  • BONUS Pre-work: Do the mindset work that will help you get over your fear of being seen so you can stop playing small, seeking validation, and start Creating Massive Bank!

Case Studies

💸It’s time to stop making random posts with no strategy that burn you out and create little to no profits for all your hard work and effort.

💸It’s time to stop acting like an unpaid influencer and market your business like an actual CEO.

💸It’s time to stop hiding behind “safe” content and create the compelling messaging and copy that will actually have your ideal clients wanting to stop scrolling and pay you!

Case Studies From My Work

CEO Babe Leila

Relationship Coach and Love Stylist

“Mina developed this program at just the right moment for me- Divine Timing, as she calls it- because I had already interviewed with several successful coaches who I ultimately declined to work with. Mina was different because she works in true and complete alignment with what she teaches. Her life is an open book and she actually practices what she preaches. This is the only way to be, in my opinion, and it’s what I strive to achieve in my own business. I want my clients to know what kind of relationship I will help them manifest, because that is what they are signing on for with me. Mina is the only high-achieving feminine energy coach who I found that actually operates with this philosophy. The second reason I chose her was that she values herself and does not play small. I did not want to work with a coach who would teach me to undervalue myself, and therefore I was attracted to Mina’s high value work. The price of the program was very attractive to me because it was a stretch to invest in it. You read that right! The investment is an important aspect of the program. Stretching to pay for Mina’s program is what kicked me in the pants to develop my own flagship program (Find Your King & Get The Ring), and take on my first high value client. The timing worked out perfectly, of course! Mina encouraged and inspired me, and I’m so glad she did. The third reason I chose Mina’s training program was that she is always changing and evolving. She’s never stagnating. Always leveling up. How could you choose a mentor to help you reach the next level, if they are not continuously leveling up themselves? Many other coaches operate under this model, and I could not see myself achieving a certification then doing the same thing, over and over, for years at a time. Mina’s dynamic and energetic approach, and constantly evolving brand, is real and inspiring. Since I’ve been in the program and learning from Mina, I can say that she is 100% genuine. When she first introduced me in her Facebook group, I bumbled the needed technology terribly. She maintained complete poise & grace and stayed in her high vibe positive energy throughout. This grace under pressure convinced me she is the real deal, and has never let me down. She responds promptly to any questions I have and is always my biggest cheerleader throughout this journey. It is not always easy, to be sure, but her support and awareness of the real challenges make it a joy to undertake. The program has been more informative than I could’ve ever anticipated. Mina delivers content that is exactly what I need at the right time. She’s made adjustments and remained flexible whenever the situation called for it. “


Mina offered the right amount of compassion + no-nonsense insight that I needed to actually get to the bottom of my internal blockages and let myself release control while still desiring and taking action on what I really want. Most spiritual or business programs either focus on just inner work/feeling good or just action/results. Mina's the first person I found who leverages and values BOTH. We discovered that both "letting go" and "taking action" are part of my human design. I came into the CEO Boss program honestly not knowing what it was I was stuck on since I had a functioning business already. I wasn't seeking business strategy advice. I just felt this constant low-grade frustration and anxiety that didn't seem to have any external cause, and I trusted Mina to be able to help read what's going on. With her lessons and guidance, I now understand and have put into practice things that helped me run my business with more fun and ease. This includes discovering and working with limiting beliefs, stopping over-committing, getting clear on what's my desire vs. others' desires, and learning to trust and let go without feeling like I'm losing control. For example: Dealing with coworkers. When I started speaking my intentions from my heart without trying to rationalize anything or "make" anyone else do something specific, I found that usually within a week, they come around to doing what I had wanted anyway (sometimes even better than what I had intended). It's important to caveat that you'll get the most out of Mina's programs with what you put in. Her programs only work if you do your inner work and practice what she teaches, not just understand the information intellectually. I was amazed at how much insight revealed itself to me after I did the inner work. Lucy,

Signed Up on Faith, The Money Manifested!

Amanda Leaveck

Mina's CEO Boss Queen Program was uh-mazing! I signed up without knowing how I was going to pay for it, but I had to trust the screaming pull of my intuition to do so... and I am so glad I did! Immediately upon registering, I felt held in a powerful energetic container of abundance, love, support, growth, and FUN! Mina offers coaching through embodiment, and challenges the common beliefs that you need to suffer, strive, and struggle to find success. I value ease and wellbeing over all else, so her approach was the perfect fit for me. The program itself seriously over delivers - the classes, the calls, the community... just. keep. giving! YUMMM. The number of subscribers on my youtube channel increased tenfold as a result of my work with Mina! And the cherry on the top? My energy must have been on fire, because I was able to pay back my investment in full by the end of the program. If your heart is pulling you to sign up, just do it! Trust your intuition! It's a program unlike any other, and the magic will continue to trickle weeks after it's completion.

Jamila T.

I'm a Mindset coach for female entrepreneurs helping them dissolve deep rooted money blocks so they can double their income, working half the time. I joined CEO boss queen, just to purely be in Mina's energy and soak in the ease in business she exudes and I feel like it really impacted me by letting go of more of the bro marketing tactics and doing things in a way that fully aligned with me. My belief in myself, my prices and my coaching has skyrocketed and this is translated in the way I can show up so freely now whilst wearing a veil on social media. If you're considering ceo boss queen, go for it, the fact that you can join live calls even after your round makes it a no brainer! You will be transformed just by the energy of the group and calls!

CEO Boss Queen Alum

Abby from Abby Harmony Youtube Channel

"I invested in Mina's business program with the desire to turn my astrology side-hustle into a more spiritually based business. Just a few months into the program, I was being approached left and right for help with the same awakening experience I had years ago. With Mina's guidance, just like that I was a full-fledged coach with private clients and a group program! Nine months later, I maintain a steady stream of clients from all over the world, and the business has not only been a truly awesome learning experience, but it paid back my investment. My favorite aspect of my business is connecting with and empowering others, and my continuous awareness and growth. Mina does teach practical marketing skills in the program, yet my business has been very organic and I attribute energetic upleveling to that success. I am so appreciative of Mina's program for birthing this creative, satisfying, and empowering venture! ~Abby"

Boss Babe CEO Alum


"Mina's CEO program helped me finally step out in visibility and start courageously owning my story, my voice and my unique expression of service. Mina truly helped me see how simple and easy a soul-aligned business could be, and showed me how to leverage my already existing gifts and skill-sets. Also extremely grateful for all the support, encouragement and practical/energetic resources I've received! Much love, Arielle"

Feminine Business Alum

Sharmin (Simply Blessed Mama)

Mina’s High Value Business Program was just the push I needed to kickstart my business in the right direction. Without her guidance and ongoing support, I would have wasted countless hours trying to figure out small details on my own. The weekly calls and assignments held me accountable and pushed me towards achieving my dream of starting my own online business. I even landed my first client by the end of the program. Thank you so much, Mina!

Boss Queen


Mina's program has practical approach to raising one's own vibration with most relevant supplemental readings. It has been very effective in providing methods to break out of unconscious patterns of living to embrace a life of co-creating with the Divine. It has helped me lift myself from ordinary reactive living to finding my life's purpose. Thank you so much for crossing my path and guiding me on my journey, Mina


  • How much time does this course require every week?

    This is a self-paced, self-study digital course. You are in the driver's seat on how much time you want to set aside to take this course.

  • Are the lessons live?

    This is a digital course with all the content immediately available after the pre-order period ends. There are no live calls or coaching sessions included in this course.

  • Is this course good for beginners?

    I believe this course has something that everyone can learn from, however, keep in mind you will need to create an audience first to be able to start monetizing your posts. You will need at least 100 followers to start making money if you do everything else correctly.

  • Does this only work for coaches?

    This course is designed to help anyone who is selling products or services online.

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    There are no refunds or exchanges. Please make sure you are 100% certain before making this purchase. No exceptions will be made.

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As noted in our Terms and Conditions: TheUniverseGuru LLC cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs. masterminds, masterclasses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies. 

Your instructor

Double Certified Manifestation and Love Coach. Nervous System Informed Practitioner. Mina Irfan

Best-selling author of Lady Balls and Contained in Love. Mina Irfan is a Double Certified Love and Business Coach. Nervous System Informed Practitioner. Mina has mentored some of the world's most high performance, high achieving women. She has been married for 16 years and has three children.