The Physics of Femininity -Heal the Collective Sisterhood Wound and Birth In the New Era of Femininity and Feminine Leadership..


Enter the New Dawn of Femininity, Feminine Leadership, and Sisterhood with both the Intellectual wisdom and the Intuitive embodiment to access the creation field.

Over 7 hours of soul shifting, life changing embodiment experience. 

Learn what femininity actually feels like in the body.

Discover why "trying to be feminine" actually has the opposite effect.

Learn how you currently HOLD your energy and the effect it has on others around you.

Learn how to Heal the Collective and Individual SISTERHOOD WOUND.

Learn to be SEEN and Witness your sisters in a Transformative new LIGHT.

Learn how to be and stay in the ultimate state of UNBOTHERED by learning emotional intelligence. 

Over 7 Hours of content plus BONUSES available  immediately.

The Time is NOW....

BONUS: The Science of Vision Boards workshop has now been added to the course dashboard for immediate access!

Ever wonder why some of your desires never materialize until later years while others manifest almost instantly.  

I used to wonder this too and thought perhaps it was a vibration thing.  

Yes, your vibration is key  in your manifestation process.... 

But so is your manifestation spiral  When you ask for things outside of your current manifestation spiral- you can feel frustrated and disheartened when it doesn’t manifest.  

While also losing the potential of creating what WAS meant for that spiral!  

Join Mina Irfan for The Science of Vision Boarding workshop to learn about your UNIQUE life path, spiritual assignments, manifestation spirals.  

I am ready to activate my full infinite potential and healing the sisterhood wound!

Give me access to this Deep, life changing, Level Inner Work

Praise for Mina's Work

I have been following Mina since 2019 and participated in a few of her programs, including the Physics of Femininity workshop most recently. They say that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I'm so grateful that Mina appeared in my field when I chose to embark on my healing journey about 3 years ago after a devastating break-up. I resonate with her story, her energy and her perspective on a soul level. I am also part of two different cultures and really appreciate her cultural perspective on dating and relationship dynamics. Mina's teachings have impacted my life in so many ways. She has been an integral part of my feminine ascension, and I'm so thankful. I was in my wounded feminine and my masculine for a majority of my life, which impacted my health, my relationships and my happiness. I have since awakened to my true divine feminine essence and feel empowered and activated to manifest the life and love of my dreams. Thank you, Mina. You are truly a gem! 💎 

Irina A.

For the days since the training on Saturday, I am aware of myself on an entirely different level.  I am so magnetic right now that I must stay inside because I am more attractive than ever and time to  to really embody my new self. The training was life-changing! I send you high vibrations.

Ex-mothering Bob-the-Builder,

For the days since the training on Saturday, I am aware of myself on an entirely different level.  I am so magnetic right now that I must stay inside because I am more attractive than ever and time to  to really embody my new self. The training was life-changing! I send you high vibrations.

Ex-mothering Bob-the-Builder,

Course curriculum

    1. Workshop One: The Feminine Field

    2. Workshop Two: The Wounded Feminine

    3. Workshop Three: Emotional Intuition & Intuition

    4. Workshop Four: Womanhood Amplified

    5. Q&A and AfterParty

    6. BONUS: Queen Energy

    7. Mamta Energy and the Mother Wound

    8. Next steps...

    1. Personal Values over Goals

    2. Manifestation Spiral

    3. Workshop Recording

    4. My Personal 2021 Vision Board

About this course

  • $555.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content