This bundle includes all 8 of my business courses, including the infamous CEO BOSS QUEEN Course. PLUS you get the Millionairess playshop as a bonus.
The total price for all these courses purchased separately is over $20,700! The energy is honestly priceless! You get the bundle of courses for well over 50% off!
In fact, the price right now is like enrolling into CEO Boss Queen and getting the other 8 courses for only $1000!
What would it be worth to you to show up fearlessly in the world and as a natural consequence, in your business?
What would it be worth to know how to be savage in your marketing and energy so only the right clients were aligned to your work?
What is it worth to have all of the feminine energetics and masculine structures modeled by a 8-figure creator to help you collapse time and grid into the morphogenetic field?
You will find the entire blueprint of business, energy, money, marketing, sales, and even exercises to heal your voice wounds and fear of being seen, in this bundle. Start the journey at the beginning in the Feminine Business course or dive right into the deep stuff in CEO Boss Queen and Divinely Soul’D.
Because we want you to choose into fresh energy and intention with this bundle, we are not allowing deductions for previously purchased courses. Bundle discount is only valid if purchased at once.