ShePower Sales: Learn Attraction Based Sales in 90 Minutes!
CourseWithout a large audience or spending hours online. A 90 Minute Masterclass on attracting High End Clients and Customers through Embodied Mastery and Sisterhood. included inside 99% Realm Membership.
Profit from Every Post: Social Media Monetization Plan
CourseLearn How to Turn Every Post into a Paycheck Using a Proven, Repeatable System.
CRYSTALLINE Course Creation Codes
CourseCrystalline Course Creation Process for Divinely Guided Spiritual Businesses, Lightworkers and Healers. From Zero to Online Course Completed in One Weekend. With Mina Irfan, The Universe Guru
Light-Worker's Secret Codes of Energetics, Ethics, & Activations
CourseLight-Worker's Secret Codes: Women Creating Divinely Guided, Fiercely Feminine Financial Empires. Spiritual & Business Alignment for LIGHTWORKERS, MYSTICS, PSYCHICS, & HEALERS. Mina Irfan, The Universe Guru
Feminine Business Course
CourseDitch the masculine hustle and create from your feminine womb and ovarian power instead!
CEO Boss Queen
CourseCEO Boss Queen. The Energy and Alignment of Your Spiritual Business. Align into Abundance by Increasing your Resonance to Riches. The SPIRITUAL MBA Your Business needs! Mina Irfan, The Universe Guru